Diabetic patients always seek alternative treatments to lower their blood glucose level efficiently, because antidiabetic drugs produce adverse effects and many patients experience reduced response after a treatment period. Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) is frequently consumed by diabetic patients for reduction of blood glucose level. Scientific studies found controversial results in the investigation of the blood glucose-lowering effects of opium poppy. In this regard, we explored the antidiabetic effect of opium poppy more closely. The antidiabetic or antihyperglycemic effect of P. somniferum alkaloids were reviewed. Next, opioid receptors and their role in diabetes were explored. In the final part origins of interindividual variabilities in opioid receptors and metabolizing enzymes' functions including genetic and epigenetic factors were reviewed.
Keywords: Papaver somniferum; diabetes; epigenetics; genetic polymorphism; interindividual variability; morphine; opioid receptor; opium; personalized medicine; pharmacogenetics.