The hydroxyalkyl methacrylate gel Separon, Sepharose 6MB and polystyrene dishes with bound antibodies were used for affinity chromatography of cells isolated from human tonsils and peripheral blood. Enrichment of T cells by filtration through anti-human immunoglobulin Separon or Sepharose 6MB columns was comparable to that achieved by "panning" on dishes or by Nylon wool column fractionation. High enrichment of B cells was obtained when cells pretreated with monoclonal anti-T cell antibodies were fractionated on columns or dishes where anti-mouse antibody was bound. Hydroxyethyl methacrylate copolymer microspheres were conjugated with monoclonal antibodies directed against surface markers of human lymphocytes or with anti-mouse immunoglobulin antibodies and used for surface labelling of cells. The results obtained by immunofluorescence were in good correlation with labelling by hydroxyethyl methacrylate immunobeads.