Distinct Co-occurrence Relationships and Assembly Processes of Active Methane-Oxidizing Bacterial Communities Between Paddy and Natural Wetlands of Northeast China

Front Microbiol. 2022 Jan 26:13:809074. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.809074. eCollection 2022.


Studies of methane-oxidizing bacteria are updating our views of their composition and function in paddy and natural wetlands. However, few studies have characterized differences in the methane-oxidizing bacterial communities between paddy and natural wetlands. Here, we conducted a 13C stable isotope-probing experiment and high-throughput sequencing to determine the structure profiling, co-occurrence relationships, and assembly processes of methanotrophic communities in four wetlands of Northeast China. There was a clear difference in community structure between paddy and natural wetlands. LEfSe analyses revealed that Methylobacter, FWs, and Methylosinus were enriched in natural wetlands, while Methylosarcina were prevailing in paddy, all identified as indicative methanotrophs. We observed distinct co-occurrence relationships between paddy and natural wetlands: more robust and complex connections in natural wetlands than paddy wetlands. Furthermore, the relative importance of stochastic processes was greater than that of deterministic processes, as stochastic processes explained >50% of the variation in communities. These results demonstrated that the co-occurrence relationships and assembly processes of active methanotrophic communities in paddy and natural wetlands were distinct. Overall, the results of this study enhance our understanding of the communities of methane-oxidizing bacteria in paddy and natural wetlands of Northeast China.

Keywords: CH4 oxidation; DNA-SIP; assembly processes; co-occurrence relationships; methane-oxidizing bacterial communities.