Prenatal nutrition may significantly impact brain aging. Results from the Dutch Famine Birth Cohort indicated that prenatal undernutrition is negatively associated with cognition, brain volumes, perfusion and structural brain aging in late life, predominantly in men. This study investigates the association between prenatal undernutrition and late-life functional brain network connectivity. In an exploratory resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study of 112 participants from the Dutch Famine Birth Cohort, we investigated whether the within- and between-network functional connectivity of the default mode network, salience network and central executive network differ at age 68 in men (N = 49) and women (N = 63) either exposed or unexposed to undernutrition in early gestation. Additionally, we explored sex-specific effects. Compared to unexposed participants, exposed participants revealed multiple clusters of different functional connectivity within and between the three networks studied. Sex-specific analyses suggested a pattern of network desegregation fitting with brain aging in men and a more diffuse pattern of group differences in women. This study demonstrates that associations between prenatal undernutrition and brain network functional connectivity extend late into life.
Keywords: Brain aging; Brain development; Fetal programming; Prenatal undernutrition; fMRI.
Copyright © 2022. Published by Elsevier Inc.