Gaseous carbonyls are essential trace gases for tropospheric chemistry and contribute significantly to the formation of ambient air ozone (O3) in densely populated regions, especially in China. Pollution characterization and the analysis of O3, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds (O3-NOX-VOCs) sensitivities of carbonyls were investigated from October 22 to 28, 2018 at eleven urban sites in nine cities in Fujian Province, southeastern China. The total mixing ratios of 15 kinds of gaseous carbonyls (Σ15OVOCs) was 12.15 ± 2.53 ppbv in Fujian Province. The concentrations in the eastern coastal regions were higher than those in the western mountainous regions. Formaldehyde, acetone, and acetaldehyde were the top three species of Σ15OVOCs concentration. Photochemical formation during the daytime and vehicle emission during the rush hours significantly contributed to formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. The shoe-making industry is well developed in Putian, where the acetone mixing ratio was significantly higher than in other cities. The O3-NOX-VOCs sensitivities at all urban sites were in VOC-limited or transitional regimes based on the ratios of formaldehyde to NO2; from morning to afternoon, the VOC-limited sensitivity decreased, and the NOX-limited sensitivity increased gradually. Formaldehyde contributed the most significant O3 formation potential (OFP) proportion of the Σ15OVOCs. The OFP of carbonyl species accounted for half of the total VOCs in Fuzhou and Putian, suggesting that more attention needs to be given to gaseous carbonyls control. Overall, the links inferred by this study provide evidence and clues to mitigate the increasing ambient O3 concentration on the west coast of the Taiwan Strait.
Keywords: Fujian; Gaseous carbonyls; O(3)-NO(X)-VOCs sensitivities; Ozone formation potential; Pollution characterization.
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