Zinc (Zn), an important microelement in ruminant diet, plays a critical role in various enzymes, hormones and functional proteins involved in nutrient metabolism. The present study was conducted to assess the effect of zinc hydroxychloride (Zn5(OH)8Cl2·H2O [ZnOHCl] and zinc sulphate (ZnSO4) on nutrient utilisation, mineral metabolism and biomarkers pertaining to growth performance in pre-ruminant crossbred calves. Twenty-four crossbred calves [body weight (BW); 31.03 ± 4.30 kg; age 10 d] were randomly allocated to four treatment groups (n = 6), i.e. no supplementation of Zn (0 mg/kg dry matter [DM]), 80 mg/kg DM Zn as ZnSO4(ZnS-80), 40 mg/kg DM Zn as ZnOHCl (ZnH-40) and 80 mg/kg DM Zn as ZnOHCl (ZnH-80) for 90 d experimental period. Results showed that dietary Zn supplementation improved (p < 0.05) feed intake, BW, average daily gain, heart girth, body length, plasma growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor and thyroxin concentration; however, nutrient digestibility remained unaffected among the groups. Addition of Zn increased (p < 0.05) Zn retention and plasma Zn concentration without affecting retention and plasma concentration of other minerals. Retention of Zn was the highest in ZnH-80 group followed by ZnH-40, ZnS-80 and lowest in control group. Overall results of the present study indicate that regardless of sources and levels, Zn supplementation increased growth performance, plasma Zn concentration and hormones levels in pre-ruminant crossbred calves. However, supplementation of hydroxy Zn at 40 mg/kg DM had similar effect as produced by ZnSO4 or ZnOHCl at a supplementation level of 80 mg/kg DM. Therefore, from the present study it can be concluded that ZnOHCl can be used as a Zn source for pre-ruminant calves at a lower dose compared to ZnSO4.
Keywords: Calves; blood composition; digestibility; hormones; mineral supplements; nitrogen balance; performance.