60.4 W continuous-wave single-frequency laser output from a two-stage Nd:YAG single-crystal fiber amplifier

Opt Lett. 2022 Feb 1;47(3):674-677. doi: 10.1364/OL.447826.


A Nd:YAG single-crystal fiber amplifier for the amplification of continuous-wave single-frequency laser end-pumped by a laser diode (LD) is investigated. With a two-stage amplification configuration, an output power of 60.4 W under the total incident pump power of 200 W is achieved, which is, to our knowledge, the highest power from a continuous-wave single-frequency laser achieved with a single-crystal fiber scheme. The extraction efficiency reaches 41.6% in the second amplification stage, which is comparable with Innoslab amplifiers. The beam quality factors M2 at the maximum output power in the horizontal and vertical direction are measured to be 1.51 and 1.38, respectively. The long-term power instability for 1 hour is 0.97%.