For the past several decades, drug-encapsulated polymer particles have been investigated as locally-delivered, long-acting therapies. The most common method of producing such particles is the oil in water solvent extraction technique. Using this technique, we produced poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG) microparticles encapsulating rosiglitazone, a small molecule anti-diabetic drug. We investigated the impact of modulating fabrication parameters, including choice of organic solvent, concentration of polymer, and speed of homogenization and centrifugation on particle morphology and drug loading. Additionally, we studied the ratio of air-water-interface area to the extraction bath volume, a previously unstudied fabrication parameter, and its impact on rosiglitazone loading when using dichloromethane as the organic solvent. Under the conditions tested, drug loading can be increased 5-fold by increasing this ratio, which may be achieved by simply selecting a larger extraction vessel. By changing the organic solvent from dichloromethane to ethyl acetate, we produced particles with 60% higher rosiglitazone loading. Interestingly, the particles made with ethyl acetate appeared phase dark under light microscopy suggesting the presence of internal pores. By increasing the proportion of organic phase in the emulsion we eliminated the aberrant morphology but did not alter drug loading. As a final step in the development of the particles, we established that rosiglitazone remained stable throughout the encapsulation process and its subsequent release from particles by demonstrating that rosiglitazone loaded particles enhanced adipocyte lipid storage and adiponectin secretion. Taken together, for this system, air-water-interface area to volume ratio of the extraction bath and organic solvent both arose as key parameters in maximizing rosiglitazone loading in PLG microparticles. This study of how fabrication parameters impact drug loading and particle morphology may be useful in other investigations to encapsulate small molecules in polymer particles for controlled release applications.