The ability to form arbitrary 3D structures provides the next level of complexity and a greater degree of freedom in the design of electronic devices. Since recent progress in electronics has expanded their applicability in various fields in which structural conformability and dynamic configuration are required, high-resolution 3D printing technologies can offer significant potential for freeform electronics. Here, the recent progress in novel 3D printing methods for freeform electronics is reviewed, with providing a comprehensive study on 3D-printable functional materials and processes for various device components. The latest advances in 3D-printed electronics are also reviewed to explain representative device components, including interconnects, batteries, antennas, and sensors. Furthermore, the key challenges and prospects for next-generation printed electronics are considered, and the future directions are explored based on research that has emerged recently.
Keywords: 3D printings; freeform electronics; integrated circuits; printed electronics; wireless sensors.
© 2022 The Authors. Advanced Science published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.