Many interprofessional education programs are being designed to help students improve their collaborative practice. Traditionally, the evaluation of these programs is focused on attitudes, knowledge and skills, but according to some authors, the evaluation of these activities should be expanded to include the evaluation of the development of an interprofessional identity. The Interprofessional Socialization and Valuing Scale (ISVS) is a self-report tool used to measure interprofessional socialization, but it has not been validated with Spanish students. In this study, the tool was translated into Spanish and administered to a sample of 645 undergraduate students. The data were analyzed to estimate structural validity, internal consistency and convergent validity. Regarding the structural validity, our data supported the unidimensional model found in the English version of the ISVS-21 (normed chi-square = 2.3, RMSEA = 0.045, SRMR = 0.087, CFI = 0.963 and TLI = 0.969). The internal consistency reliability of the scale was adequate, Cronbach α = 0.913 [95% CI 0.903, 0.923]. The Spanish version of the ISVS-21 shows adequate psychometric properties in terms of the construct validity (structural validity and convergent validity) and internal consistency of its scores. This study provides the Spanish-speaking population with an adaptation of the only instrument that has been specifically developed to assess interprofessional socialization.
Keywords: ISVS-21; Interprofessional socialization; dual socialization; interprofessional education; validation.