Dark Matter Search Results from the PandaX-4T Commissioning Run

Phys Rev Lett. 2021 Dec 24;127(26):261802. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.261802.


We report the first dark matter search results using the commissioning data from PandaX-4T. Using a time projection chamber with 3.7 tonne of liquid xenon target and an exposure of 0.63 tonne·year, 1058 candidate events are identified within an approximate nuclear recoil energy window between 5 and 100 keV. No significant excess over background is observed. Our data set a stringent limit to the dark matter-nucleon spin-independent interactions, with a lowest excluded cross section (90% C.L.) of 3.8×10^{-47} cm^{2} at a dark matter mass of 40 GeV/c^{2}.