Climate change is a global challenge that is accelerated by contamination with hazardous substances like arsenic (As), posing threat to the agriculture, ecosystem and human health. Here, we explored the impact of various ameliorants on geochemical distribution of As in two soils with contrasting textures (sandy clay loam (Khudpur Village) and clay loam (Mattital Village)) under paddy soil conditions and their influence on the CO2-carbon efflux. The exchangeable As pool in clay loam soil increased as: lignite (0.4%) < biogas slurry (6%) < cow dung (9%), and < biochar (20%). However, in the sandy clay loam soil exchangeable soil As pool was found to be maximum with farmyard manure followed by biogas slurry, biochar and cow dung (17%, 14%, 13% and 7%, respectively). Interestingly, in the sandy clay loam soil the percentage As distribution in organic fraction was: biochar (38%) > cow dung (33%) > biogas slurry (23%) > sugarcane bagasse (22%) > farmyard manure (21%) that was higher compared to the clay loam soil (< 6% for all the amendments). In addition to the highest As immobilization by biochar in sandy clay loam soil, it also led to the lowest CO2-carbon efflux (1470 CO2-C mg kg-1) among all the organic/inorganic amendments. Overall, the current study advances our understanding on the pivotal role of organic amendments, notably biochar, in immobilizing As under paddy soil conditions with low (CO2) carbon loss, albeit it is dependent on soil and ameliorant types.
Keywords: Arsenic contamination; Biochar; CO2–C efflux; Carbon pool; Decay constant; Geochemical As fractionation.
© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V.