The peculiarities of spin effects in photoinduced electron transfer (ET) in diastereomers of donor-acceptor dyads are considered in order to study the influence of chirality on reactivity. Thus, the spin selectivity-the difference between the enhancement coefficients of chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (CIDNP)-of the dyad's diastereomers reflects the difference in the spin density distribution in its paramagnetic precursors that appears upon UV irradiation. In addition, the CIDNP coefficient itself has demonstrated a high sensitivity to the change of chiral centers: when one center is changed, the hyperpolarization of all polarized nuclei of the molecule is affected. The article analyzes the experimental values of spin selectivity based on CIDNP calculations and molecular dynamic modeling data in order to reveal the effect of optical configuration on the structure and reactivity of diastereomers. In this way, we succeeded in tracing the differences in dyads with L- and D-tryptophan as an electron donor. Since the replacement of L-amino acid with D-analog in specific proteins is believed to be the cause of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, spin effects and molecular dynamic simulation in model dyads can be a useful tool for investigating the nature of this phenomenon.
Keywords: chiral linked systems; diastereomers; electron transfer; hyperpolarization; magnetic dipole–dipole interaction of electrons; molecular dynamics; spin selectivity.