Prostate segmentation in transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) image is an essential prerequisite for many prostate-related clinical procedures, which, however, is also a long-standing problem due to the challenges caused by the low image quality and shadow artifacts. In this paper, we propose a Shadow-consistent Semi-supervised Learning (SCO-SSL) method with two novel mechanisms, namely shadow augmentation (Shadow-AUG) and shadow dropout (Shadow-DROP), to tackle this challenging problem. Specifically, Shadow-AUG enriches training samples by adding simulated shadow artifacts to the images to make the network robust to the shadow patterns. Shadow-DROP enforces the segmentation network to infer the prostate boundary using the neighboring shadow-free pixels. Extensive experiments are conducted on two large clinical datasets (a public dataset containing 1,761 TRUS volumes and an in-house dataset containing 662 TRUS volumes). In the fully-supervised setting, a vanilla U-Net equipped with our Shadow-AUG&Shadow-DROP outperforms the state-of-the-arts with statistical significance. In the semi-supervised setting, even with only 20% labeled training data, our SCO-SSL method still achieves highly competitive performance, suggesting great clinical value in relieving the labor of data annotation. Source code is released at