In the vicinity of a quantum critical point, quenched disorder can lead to a quantum Griffiths phase, accompanied by an exotic power-law scaling with a continuously varying dynamical exponent that diverges in the zero-temperature limit. Here, we investigate a nematic quantum critical point in the iron-based superconductor FeSe_{0.89}S_{0.11} using applied hydrostatic pressure. We report an unusual crossing of the magnetoresistivity isotherms in the nonsuperconducting normal state that features a continuously varying dynamical exponent over a large temperature range. We interpret our results in terms of a quantum Griffiths phase caused by nematic islands that result from the local distribution of Se and S atoms. At low temperatures, the Griffiths phase is masked by the emergence of a Fermi liquid phase due to a strong nematoelastic coupling and a Lifshitz transition that changes the topology of the Fermi surface.