Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is an autosomal dominant human genetic disorder. The progression of benign plexiform neurofibromas to malignant peripheral nerve sheet tumors (MPNSTs) is a major cause of mortality in patients with NF1. Although elevated epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of MPNST, the cause of EGFR overexpression remains unclear. Here, we assessed EGFR expression levels in MPNST tissues of NF1 patients and NF1 patient-derived MPNST cells. We found that the expression of EGFR was upregulated in MPNST tissues and MPNST cells, while the expression of neurofibromin was significantly decreased. Manipulation of NF1 expression by NF1 siRNA treatment or NF1-GAP-related domain overexpression demonstrated that EGFR expression levels were closely and inversely correlated with neurofibromin levels. Notably, knockdown of the NF1 gene by siRNA treatment augmented the nuclear localization of phosphorylated SP1 (pSP1) and enhanced pSP1 binding to the EGFR gene promoter region. Our results suggest that neurofibromin deficiency in NF1-associated MPNSTs enhances the Ras/ERK/SP1 signaling pathway, which in turn may lead to the upregulation of EGFR expression. This study provides insight into the progression of benign tumors and novel therapeutic approaches for treatment of NF1-associated MPNSTs.
Keywords: EGFR; malignant peripheral nerve sheet tumor (MPNST); neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1); neurofibromin; sarcoma; tumor progression.