Rapid genetic divergence and mitonuclear discordance in the Taliang knobby newt ( Liangshantriton taliangensis, Salamandridae, Caudata) and their driving forces

Zool Res. 2022 Jan 18;43(1):129-146. doi: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2021.299.


The Hengduan Mountains Region (HMR) is the largest "evolutionary frontier" of the northern temperate zone, and the origin and maintenance of species in this area is a research hotspot. Exploring species-specific responses to historical and contemporary environmental changes will improve our understanding of the role of this region in maintaining biodiversity. In this study, mitochondrial and microsatellite diversities were used to assess the contributions of paleogeological events, Pleistocene climatic oscillations, and contemporary landscape characteristics to the rapid intraspecific diversification of Liangshantriton taliangensis, a vulnerable amphibian species endemic to several sky-island mountains in the southeastern HMR. Divergence date estimations suggested that the East Asian monsoon, local uplifting events (Xigeda Formation strata), and Early-Middle Pleistocene transition (EMPT) promoted rapid divergence of L. taliangensis during the Pleistocene, yielding eight mitochondrial lineages and six nuclear genetic lineages. Moreover, population genetic structures were mainly fixed through isolation by resistance. Multiple in situ refugia were identified by ecological niche models and high genetic diversity, which played crucial roles in the persistence and divergence of L. taliangensis during glacial-interglacial cycles. Dramatic climatic fluctuations further promoted recurrent isolation and admixing of populations in scattered glacial refugia. The apparent mitonuclear discordance was likely the result of introgression by secondary contact and/or female-biased dispersal. Postglacial expansion generated two major secondary contact zones (Ganluo (GL) and Chuhongjue (CHJ)). Identification of conservation management units and dispersal corridors offers important recommendations for the conservation of this species.

横断山区(HMR)是北温带最大的“进化前沿”,区域的物种起源和维持机制一直是研究热点。探索物种对历史和现代环境变化的特异响应有助于更深入地理解区域生物多样性的形成和维持机制。该研究以分布于横断山东南部高山峡谷 “空岛区”的易危两栖动物——大凉螈( Liangshantriton taliangensis) 为目标物种,运用多个线粒体基因及微卫星多态位点作为遗传标记,结合历史气候及景观特征,探究了古地质事件、更新世气候波动及景观环境对该物种快速分化的作用。结果显示东亚季风、局地(西格达组地层)抬升事件、早-中更新世气候转变时期(EMPT)的冰川发育与消退促进了大凉螈种群的快速分化,共分化出8个线粒体遗传支系及6个微卫星遗传簇。种群扩散主要受到全年及干旱季降水量、植被覆盖度、海拔等景观因子影响,并进一步促进了种群结构的形成。生态位模型结合遗传多样性分析揭示大凉螈存在多个原地冰期避难所,这对该螈在冰期-间冰期旋回时期种群的分化与维持起着关键作用。气候波动促进了分散的避难所间各种群反复混合与隔离,并存在两个主要的二次接触区(甘洛(GL)和处洪觉(CHJ))。多次的二次接触和凉山种群偏雌扩散的综合作用可能是核质不一致的主要成因。基于研究结果,提出了建立两个保护管理单元、7个优先保护种群以及维护关键扩散路径等保护管理建议。.

Keywords: Landscape genetics; Liangshantriton taliangensis; Mitonuclear discordance; Phylogeography.

MeSH terms

  • Animals
  • DNA, Mitochondrial / genetics
  • Evolution, Molecular*
  • Female
  • Genetic Variation*
  • Microsatellite Repeats / genetics
  • Phylogeny
  • Phylogeography
  • Salamandridae* / genetics


  • DNA, Mitochondrial

Associated data

  • GENBANK/MZ368891-MZ369091

Grants and funding

This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Programs of China (2017YFC0505202), Construction of Basic Conditions Platform of Sichuan Science and Technology Department (2019JDPT0020), and Species Conservation Project of Liziping National Nature Reserve