The electronic noise characterization of single-molecule devices provides insights into the mechanisms of charge transport. In this work, it is reported that flicker noise can serve as an indicator of the time-dependent evolution of charge transport mechanisms in the single-molecule break junction process. By introducing time-frequency analysis, the authors find that flicker noise components of the molecule junction show time evolution behavior in the dynamic break junction process. A further investigation of the power-law dependence of flicker with conductance during the dynamic break junction process reveals that the mechanism of charge transport transits from the through-space transport to the through-bond transport, and is dominated by through-space transport again when the junction is about to rupture. The authors' results provide a flicker noise-based way to characterize the time-dependent evolution of charge transport mechanisms in single-molecule break junctions.
Keywords: break junctions; flicker noise; single-molecule conductance; through-space transport; time-frequency analysis.
© 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH.