Rationale: Hydrocephalus is a common disease in neurosurgery. The typical symptoms of hydrocephalus include urinary incontinence, gait instability, and cognitive decline. Irritability rarely occurs in patients with hydrocephalus. Irritability rarely occurs in patients with hydrocephalus, especially in long-standing overt ventriculomegaly of adulthood (LOVA).
Patient concerns: A 30-year-old female was admitted to our hospital because of mental retardation and unstable gait for more than 15 years. She had undergone ventriculoperitoneal shunt 15 years prior due to ventriculomegaly and related symptoms. However, the shunt catheter was removed shortly after surgery because of blockage, with no further postoperative treatment.
Diagnosis: The patient was diagnosed with long-standing overt ventriculomegaly according to her head circumference and clinical symptoms, including adult hydrocephalus development, overt triventriculomegaly and absence of a secondary cause for aqueductal stenosis in adulthood.
Interventions: After considerable discussion, she underwent ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement and showed dramatic and sustained improvement.
Outcomes: The patient has been followed at 3-month intervals for over 2 years since discharge, and both the patient and family have reported a significant change in their daily life. She was able to live independently and control her emotions. Slight epilepsy was noted approximately 5 months after surgery but recovered 2 months later.
Lessons: It is difficult to decide whether to treat LOVA when the in patients whose symptoms are not significant. We believe that early diagnosis and positive treatment can help improve outcomes and would recommend ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunting in patients with LOVA.
Copyright © 2021 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.