Add a Pinch of Tetrel: The Transformation of a Centrosymmetric Metal into a Nonsymmorphic and Chiral Semiconductor

Chemistry. 2022 Feb 16;28(9):e202104319. doi: 10.1002/chem.202104319. Epub 2022 Jan 12.


Centrosymmetric skutterudite RhP3 was converted to a nonsymmorphic and chiral compound RhSi0.3 P2.7 (space group P21 21 21 ) by means of partial replacement of Si for P. The structure, determined by a combination of X-ray crystallography and solid state 31 P NMR, exhibits branched polyanionic P/Si chains that are unique among metal phosphides. A driving force to stabilize the locally noncentrosymmetric cis-RhSi2 P4 and fac-RhSi3 P3 fragments is π-electron back-donation between the Rh t2g -type orbitals and the unoccupied antibonding Si/P orbitals, which is more effective for Si than for P. In situ studies and total energy calculations revealed the metastable nature of RhSi0.3 P2.7 . Electronic structure calculations predicted centrosymmetric cubic RhP3 to be metallic which was confirmed by transport properties measurements. In contrast, the electronic structure for chiral orthorhombic RhSi0.3 P2.7 contained a bandgap, and this compound was shown to be a narrow gap semiconductor.

Keywords: chirality; crystal engineering; phase transitions; polymorphism; solid-phase synthesis.