Detailed analyses regarding the effects of temperature and phospholipid fatty acid replacement on the capping of membrane immunoglobulin (mIg) have been performed using a recently described flow cytometric procedure (Cuchens, M. A., and Buttke, T. M. (1984) Cytometry 5, 601-609). Purified murine B cells were incubated for 12-20 h in the presence of bovine serum albumin-complexed 80 microM stearic (18:0), oleic (cis-18:1), or linoleic (cis, cis-18:2) free fatty acids. Unmodified and free fatty acid-treated cells were stained with fluorescein-conjugated rabbit anti-mouse Ig and subjected to pulse-shape (width) analyses to follow the kinetics of mIg capping. In both unmodified and free fatty acid-treated cells, capping of mIg occurred at all temperatures between 17 and 37 degrees C, but the rate of cap formation was temperature dependent. Arrhenius plots of mIg capping were linear, with activation energies ranging from 14 to 23 kcal/mol depending on the saturated/unsaturated fatty acid ratio of B cell phospholipids. Ligand-induced redistribution of mIg thus appears to be sensitive to changes in membrane acyl chain composition.