The American Academy of Dermatology launched DataDerm in 2016 as the clinical data registry platform of the American Academy of Dermatology. DataDerm has evolved to be the largest database containing information about dermatology patients in the world. As of December 31, 2020, DataDerm contained data from 11.3 million unique patients and 40.0 million unique patient visits, with 782 practices representing 2290 clinicians actively participating in DataDerm. This article is the second in a series of annual reports about the status of DataDerm. While last year's 2020 first annual report presented the history of DataDerm as well as the rationale for its creation, maintenance, and expansion, this year's 2021 annual report presents the progress DataDerm has made over the past year along with its current status and future plans.
Keywords: database; dermatology; outcomes; quality; registry; safety.
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