Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) of the brain enables insights into the metabolic changes and fluxes in diseases such as tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, or hepatic encephalopathy, as well as insights into general brain functionality. However, the routine application of MRSI is mostly hampered by very low signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) due to the low concentrations of metabolites, about 10000 times lower than water. Furthermore, MRSI spectra have a dense information content with many overlapping metabolite resonances, especially for proton MRSI. MRI scanners at ultra-high field strengths, like 7 T or above, offer the opportunity to increase SNR, as well as the separation between resonances, thus promising to solve both challenges. Yet, MRSI at ultra-high field strengths is challenged by decreased B0- and B1-homogeneity, shorter T2 relaxation times, stronger chemical shift displacement errors, and aggravated lipid contamination. Therefore, to capitalize on the advantages of ultra-high field strengths, these challenges must be overcome. This review focuses on the challenges MRSI of the human brain faces at ultra-high field strength, as well as the possible applications to this date.
Keywords: 7T; Brain; MRSI; Neurochemical imaging; Ultra-high field.
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