Street food (SF) and takeaway food (TAF) are important sources of out-of-home meals in urban Bosnia and Herzegovina, where diet-related non-communicable diseases are growing rapidly. This study aimed to characterise SF and TAF purchased in urban areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, regarding customers' characteristics and the nutritional composition of the foods and beverages. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Sarajevo and Banja Luka in 2017. SF (n = 194) and TAF vending sites (n = 154) were selected through random and systematic sampling. Data on the food items purchased and customers' characteristics were collected by direct observation. Nutritional composition was estimated using data from chemical analyses of the foods most commonly available. Two-thirds of the customers observed (n = 755) were aged ≥35 years, half were women and 27.7% were overweight/obese. A total of 929 food items were purchased. The most commonly bought SFs were confectionery (30.5%), water (27.9%) and soft drinks/juices (22.2%). TAF customers purchased mostly savoury pastries (39.8%), breads (27.1%) and main dishes (21.4%). Almost half of customers purchased industrial food (i.e., pre-packaged foods and beverages produced by the food industry). The purchases presented median contents of 18.7 g of fat (39.6% saturated, 32.3% monounsaturated, 22.1% polyunsaturated, 1.5% trans), 838 mg of sodium and 285 mg of potassium. Saturated-fat contribution was higher in SF purchases (60.4% vs. 30.2%, p < 0.001), whereas TAF purchases presented higher trans-fat proportion (1.8% vs. 0.6%, p < 0.001), sodium (1241 vs. 89 mg, p < 0.001) and sodium-potassium ratio (6.1 vs. 0.6, p < 0.001). Generally, SF and TAF bought in Sarajevo and Banja Luka were rich in saturated and trans fatty-acids and sodium, and poor in potassium. Nutrition policies promoting use of healthier fats and salt reduction in SF and TAF may contribute to the prevention of diet-related diseases in these settings.
Keywords: Eastern Europe; nutrition transition; nutritional value; street food; takeaway food.