Compelling results from clinical trials supporting intensive risk-reduction therapies to reduce associated morbidity and mortality in patients with established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) provided the impetus for medical societies to integrate these evidence-based results into clinical practice guidelines. Current evidence, however, points toward gaps in the management of patients with established ASCVD. Some of these gaps are related to barriers to guideline implementation, and strategies are needed to overcome these barriers. In this review, we propose a framework incorporating comprehensive tools for enhanced guideline-directed management in secondary prevention of ASCVD. This aid includes a 13-point checklist with supporting educational and system-based tools for effective evidence-based pharmacological and nonpharmacological care. This proposed tool targets primary care providers and cardiologists in the outpatient setting who provide direct medical care for patients with established ASCVD.
Keywords: atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; checklist; evidence-based medicine; guidelines; secondary prevention.
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s).