Keeping abreast with current literature can be challenging, especially for practitioners caring for patients sustaining thermal or inhalation injury. Practitioners caring for patients with thermal injuries publish in a wide variety of journals, which further increases the complexity for those with resource limitations. Pharmacotherapy research continues to be a minority focus in primary literature. This review is a renewal of previous years' work to facilitate extraction and review of the most recent pharmacotherapy-centric studies in patients with thermal and inhalation injury. Sixteen geographically dispersed, board-certified pharmacists participated in the review. A MeSH-based, filtered search returned 1536 manuscripts over the previous 2-year period. After manual review and exclusions, only 98 (6.4%) manuscripts were determined to have a potential impact on current pharmacotherapy practices and included in the review. A summary of the 10 articles that scored highest are included in the review. Nearly half of the reviewed manuscripts were assessed to lack a significant impact on current practice. Despite an increase in published literature over the previous 2-year review, the focus and quality remain unchanged. There remains a need for investment in well-designed, high impact, pharmacotherapy-pertinent research for patients sustaining thermal or inhalation injuries.
© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Burn Association. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: