Morphological patterns and interface instability during withdrawal of liquid-particle mixtures

J Colloid Interface Sci. 2022 Feb 15;608(Pt 2):1598-1607. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2021.10.115. Epub 2021 Oct 23.


Hypothesis: The stability of fluid-fluid interface is key to control the displacement efficiency in multiphase flow. The existence of particles can alter the interfacial dynamics and induce various morphological patterns. Moreover, the particle aggregations are expected to have a significant impact on the interface stability and patterns.

Experiments: Monodisperse polyethylene particles of different sizes are uniformly mixed in silicone oil to form the granular mixtures, which are injected into a transparent radial Hele-Shaw cell through different strategies to obtain the homogeneous and inhomogeneous (with particle aggregations) initial states. Subsequently, a systematic study of morphology and interface stability during the withdrawal of granular mixtures is performed.

Findings: For homogeneous mixtures, we observe earlier onset of fingering, more fingers and lower gas saturation at breakthrough than for pure fluid with equivalent viscosity. This effect can be attributed to the particle-induced perturbations. For inhomogeneous mixtures, particle clusters and bands significantly enhance the interface instability. Furthermore, we find that particle deposition due to liquid film entrainment occurs above a critical local flow velocity, and we elucidate the responsible mechanism through force balance analysis and the thin film theory. This work could be of practical significance in geoenergy and industrial applications.

Keywords: Air–fluid interface; Granular mixture; Hele–Shaw cell; Interface instability; Viscous fingering.