Selecting an Automated Parenteral Nutrition Compounder Device at a Tertiary Care Institute in Saudi Arabia

Hosp Pharm. 2021 Dec;56(6):760-764. doi: 10.1177/0018578720965408. Epub 2020 Oct 10.


Background: With advances in hospital automation, selecting an automated compounding device (ACD) for compounding parenteral nutrition (PN) may be challenging. A well-designed comparative review that considers safety and technical standards could assist in the selection process. United States Pharmacopeia chapter <797> and The American Society of Hospital Pharmacists (ASHP) has provided guidance on the safety and accuracy of ACDs. Objective: Utilizing a checklist of technical and performance specifications investigators sought to assess the adequacy of compounders available in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Method: Investigators compared the NutriMiX KS-240 and the Exactamix EM 2400. A literature review of practice standards, safety, technical, and performance specifications was conducted. These were developed into a checklist of 46 technical and performance specifications. Investigators evaluated each ACD using the checklist. Results: It was found that 43 (93.48%) of the technical and performance specifications, required by the hospital, were met by the NutriMix KS-240, while 39 (84.78%) were met by Exactamix EM 2400. Conclusion: This review found that although ACDs comply with the majority of standards and specifications, software integration with the hospital information system may be a limiting factor in selecting an ACD. The investigators concluded that the NutriMiX KS- 240 matches the technical and performance specifications for automated compounders required by our institution.

Keywords: admixture programs/incompatibilities; automation (Pyxis, Robotics); compounding; decision support systems; information systems and technology; medication safety; nutrition.