TBN-triggered, manipulable annulations of o-hydroxyarylenaminones for divergent syntheses of oximinochromanones and oximinocoumaranones

Chem Commun (Camb). 2021 Nov 19;57(92):12285-12288. doi: 10.1039/d1cc05389b.


Divergent synthesis provides an indispensable route to rapid acquisition of structurally diverse chemical scaffolds from identical starting materials. Herein, we describe unprecedented divergent annulations of o-hydroxyarylenaminones promoted by tert-butyl nitrite (TBN) under mild conditions. Two different types of benzo-oxa-heterocycle, including oximinochromanones and oximinocoumaranones, were smoothly assembled with a broad substrate scope and good functional group compatibility.