Two sisters with premature menopause and a small deletion of the long arm of one of their X chromosomes [del (X)(pter----q26.3:)] were investigated with polymorphic DNA probes near the breakpoint. The deleted chromosome retained the factor IX (F9) locus and the loci DXS51 (52A) and DXS100 (pX45h), which are proximal to F9. However, the factor VIII (F8) locus was not present, nor were two loci tightly linked to this locus, DXS52 (St14) and DXS15 (DX13). This deletion refines the location of the F9 locus to Xq26 or to the interface Xq26/Xq27, thus placing it more proximally than has been previously reported. The DNA obtained from these patients should be valuable in the mapping of future probes derived from this region of the X chromosome.