Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) as one important circuit element is now widely used in high-speed computation and communication for its capability of high-power signal amplification. 2D materials and their heterostructures are promising in building high-amplification and high-frequency BJTs because they can be naturally thin and highly designable in tailoring components properties. However, currently the low emitter injection efficiency results in only moderate current gain achieved in the pioneer researches, severely restraining its future development. Herein, it is shown that an elaborately designed double heterojunction bipolar transistor (DHBT) can greatly promote the injection efficiency, improving the current gain by order of magnitude. In this DHBT high-doping-density wide-bandgap 2D Cu9 S5 is used as emitter and narrow-bandgap PtS2 as base. This heterostructure efficiently suppresses the reverse electron flux from base and increase the injection efficiency. Consequently, the DHBT achieves an excellent current gain (β ≈ 910). This work systematically explores the electrical behavior of 2D materials based DHBT, and provides deep insight of the architecture design for building high gain DHBT, which may promote the applications of 2Dheterojunctions in the fields of integrated circuits.
Keywords: 2D materials; Cu 9S 5; bipolar junction transistors; current amplification; double heterojunctions.
© 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH.