One of the most common patterns of presentations that have been described in COVID-19 patients includes the erythematous/papular/morbilliform eruptions. However, actually, the diffuse exanthems containing macules and papules were not specific to COVID-19, and even histopathology does not show any specific signs that could help to differentiate COVID-19 skin lesions from non-COVID-19 causes such as drugs or other viral infections. We present the case of a COVID-19-positive woman with a morbilliform rash, whose skin biopsy showed the presence of some peculiar cytopathic epidermal changes that could represent a possible distinctive histopathological feature related to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection The presence of viral particles in the keratinocytes with additional positivity of endothelial cells and eccrine glands by immunohistochemistry using an anti-SARS-CoV-2 Spike S1 antibodies supports a causal relation of the lesions with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
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