Rare-earth based single-molecule magnets are promising candidates for magnetic information storage including qubits as their large magnetic moments are carried by localized 4f electrons. This shielding from the environment in turn hampers a direct electronic access to the magnetic moment. Here, we present the indirect readout of the Dy moment in Bis(phthalocyaninato)dysprosium (DyPc_{2}) molecules on Au(111) using milli-Kelvin scanning tunneling microscopy. Because of an unpaired electron on the exposed Pc ligand, the molecules show a Kondo resonance that is, however, split by the ferromagnetic exchange interaction between the unpaired electron and the Dy angular momentum. Using spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we read out the Dy magnetic moment as a function of the applied magnetic field, exploiting the spin polarization of the exchange-split Kondo state.