Dendritic cells (DCs), as well as complement, play a major role during human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) entry and infection at mucosal sites. Together, DCs and complement are key points for understanding host defence against HIV-1 infection and for studying the impact of new drugs on the regulation of innate host-pathogen interactions and adaptive immunity. For this, we evaluated the antiviral effect of the P80 natural essence (Longan extract) on interactions of non- and complement-opsonized HIV-1 with DCs. In viability assays, we first illustrated the effects of P80 natural essence on DC function. We found that P80 concentrations above 1.5% caused increased cell death, while at concentrations between 0.5% and 1% the compound exerted efficient antiviral effects in DCs and illustrated an adjuvant effect regarding DC activation. DC maturation, as well as co-stimulatory capacity, were significantly improved by P80 natural essence via p38 MAPK phosphorylation in presence of the viral challenge independent of the opsonization pattern. These findings might be exploited for future therapeutic options to target DC subsets directly at mucosal sites by P80 natural essence and to block entry of both, non- and complement-opsonized HIV-1.
Keywords: HIV-1; P80 natural essence; complement; dendritic cells.