Transthyretin familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) is a rare autosomal dominant disease that provokes systemic deposition of amyloid. It affects the nervous system and it is characterized by progressive sensory, motor, and autonomic neuropathy. Patients with FAP often require surgery and anesthetic care for hepatic transplantation and cardioverter-defibrillator/pacemaker implantation. Peripheric neuropathy is a common finding, but there are no reported cases of its interference with anesthetic neuromuscular transmission monitoring. We report a case of a FAP patient where lack of awareness and distracting factors led to misinterpretation of neuromuscular monitoring and unnecessary sedation and ventilation in the post anesthetic care unit. FAP may interfere with the usual cubital nerve neuromuscular monitoring. Anesthesiologists should be aware of potential neuromuscular compromise to find the best monitoring location for each patient. Sugammadex was safe and reliable in the antagonism of rocuronium neuromuscular blockade in this case, despite the lack of adequate quantitative monitoring.
Keywords: Amyloid neuropathies, familial; Complicaciones postoperatorias; Enfermedades del sistema nervioso periférico; Monitorización neuromuscular; Neuromuscular monitoring; Neuropatías amiloides, familiares; Patient safety; Peripheral nervous system diseases; Postoperative complications; Seguridad del paciente.
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