Mycetoma is a chronic granulomatous disease that is more common in tropical regions with predominant involvement of foot. Spinal mycetoma presenting as lumbar canal stenosis is extremely rare. We hereby present a case of fungal eumycetoma of vertebral column in a 42-year-old male who presented with chronic progressive low back pain and features of lumbar canal stenosis without any skin swelling or discharging sinuses. The "dot-in-circle" sign, a highly specific magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonography (USG) sign of mycetoma has been described in the literature as a pathognomonic feature of mycetoma involving the musculoskeletal system. We describe the importance of characteristic imaging features with dot in circle sign in the diagnosis of eumycetoma of lumbar spine.
Keywords: dot-in-circle; eumycetoma; lumbar spine; magnetic resonance imaging; ultrasonography.
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