Recent experiments on quantum walks (QWs) demonstrated a full control over the statistics-dependent walks of single particles and two particles in one-dimensional lattices. However, little is known about the general characterization of QWs at the many-body level. Here, we rigorously study QWs, Bloch oscillations, and the quantum Fisher information for three indistinguishable bosons and fermions in one-dimensional lattices using a time-evolving block decimation algorithm and many-body perturbation theory. We show that such strongly correlated QWs not only give rise to statistics-and-interaction-dependent ballistic transports of scattering states and of two- and three-body bound states but also allow a quantum enhanced precision measurement of the gravitational force. In contrast to the QWs of the fermions, the QWs of three bosons exhibit strongly correlated Bloch oscillations, which present a surprising time scaling t^{3} of the Fisher information below a characteristic time t_{0} and saturate to the fundamental limit of t^{2} for t>t_{0}.