The GABA molecule is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. Through binding to post-synaptic neurons, GABA reduces the neuronal excitability by hyperpolarization. Correct binding between the GABA molecules and its receptors relies on molecular recognition. Earlier studies suggest that recognition is determined by the geometries of the molecule and its receptor. We employed dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS) to study the conformation and dielectric properties of the GABA molecule under physiologically relevant laboratory conditions. The dielectric properties of GABA investigated have given us new insights about the GABA molecule, such as how they interact with each other and with water molecules at different temperatures (22°C and 37.5°C). Higher temperature leads to lower viscosity, thus lower relaxation time. The change in the GABA relaxation time due to concentration change is more associated with the solution viscosity than with the GABA dipole moment. A resonance behavior was observed with high GABA concentrations at physiological temperature, where there might be a phase transition at a certain temperature for a given GABA concentration that leads to a sudden change of the dielectric properties.
© 2021. The Author(s).