Due to the high effectiveness of cancer screening and therapies, the diagnosis of second primary cancers (SPCs) has increased in women with endometrial cancer (EC). However, previous studies providing adequate evidence to support screening for SPCs in endometrial cancer are lacking. This study aimed to develop effective risk prediction models of second primary endometrial cancer (SPEC) in women with obesity (body mass index (BMI) > 25) and included datasets on the incidence of SPEC and the other risks of SPEC in 4480 primary cancer survivors from a hospital-based cancer registry database. We found that obesity plays a key role in SPEC. We used 10 independent variables as predicting variables, which correlated to obesity, and so should be monitored for the early detection of SPEC in endometrial cancer. Our proposed scheme is promising for SPEC prediction and demonstrates the important influence of obesity and clinical data representation in all cases following primary treatments. Our results suggest that obesity is still a crucial risk factor for SPEC in endometrial cancer.
Keywords: endometrial cancer (EC); risk prediction; second primary cancers (SPCs); second primary endometrial cancer (SPEC).