From day 1 to day 3, the protein intake of this neonate was restricted to 1 g/kg/d. It included a) essential amino acids (i.e. histidine, lysine, threonine, tryptophan), b) arginine (1,000 mg/d), c) alphaketoisovaleric 500 mg/d, alpha-ketoisocaproic (500 mg/d), alphaketobetamethylvaleric (500 mg/d), alphaketogammamethylthiobutyric (200 mg/d), betaphenylpyruvic (400 mg/d) acids. 250 mg/kg/d of sodium benzoate were given. Caloric and water intakes were 120 cal/kg/d and 120 ml/kg/d respectively. Afterwards, this procedure was modified according to clinical and biological data including serum ammonia and amino acid levels. Alpha-ketonic acid absorption and metabolism were studied on day 29. Both were fast. The detection of alloisoleucine, which is not metabolized was the consequence of the use of alphaketobetamethylvaleric acid. Until the age of 21 months, clinical and metabolic status was satisfactory. At this time, repeated seizures without metabolic failure were accompanied by psychomotor damages.