In this study, the eutrophication levels and nitrogen and phosphorus carrying capacities of Lake Changhu in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, China, were measured using the trophic level index (TLI) and Dillon model for the first time. The measurements were taken before (2013 and 2015) and after (2017 and 2018) the removal of pen aquaculture from the lake. The lake was divided into three districts: Lake Haizihu, Mahongtai Channel, and Lake Dahu. The results showed total nitrogen (TN), chemical oxygen demand (COD), chlorophyll a (Chl-a), and total suspended solid values were significantly higher in 2017 than in the other years. The Lake Haizihu district was predicted to be more seriously polluted than the other districts. In the sediment, the organic matter, STN (TN in sediment) and STP (TP in sediment) contents increased from 2013 to 2018. The mean TLI values ranged from 62.99 to 78.93 in the studied years, and the eutrophication level was highest in 2017. According to the Dillon model, when the target water quality was level III (GB 3838-2002, Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, 2002), the remaining TN and TP loading capacities were -1470.72 t/a and -182.74 t/a, respectively, in 2015, and 320.03 t/a and -111.14 t/a, respectively, in 2018. Our results provide valuable and integrated information about the water conditions of Lake Changhu, thus laying a foundation for the theoretical study of water eutrophication process in lakes and paving the way for informed decision-making for managing water environments to ensure the safety of ecology.
Keywords: Aquaculture; Dillon model; Lake Changhu; Nutrient loading capacity; Trophic level index; Water quality.
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