Objectives: Although there are many benefits of short-stay hospital admissions for high volume, pediatric surgical procedures, this model of care places greater responsibility on parents for the management of children's pain. This study aimed to document the trajectory of child pain outcomes and a range of parent-reported functional outcomes following discharge from a short-stay surgical admission. Moreover, we aimed to document the trajectory of parental perceived personal coping resources. Second, we assessed whether parental dispositional factors, assessed before hospital discharge, predicted the child's pain intensity and parent-reported functional recovery.
Methods: Participants included children (aged 4 to 14 y) admitted for a short-stay tonsillectomy or appendectomy, and their parents. Parents completed a questionnaire before discharge from hospital. Demographic and surgical information was recorded from medical records. Following discharge, daily assessments of pain and functioning were carried out over a 10-day period using iPods or mobile phones. Predischarge and postdischarge data were obtained for 55 child and parent dyads.
Results: Pain intensity scores returned to low levels (2/10 or less) by day 5 for appendectomy and day 10 for tonsillectomy. Parents' perceived personal coping resources increased more slowly following tonsillectomy than appendectomy. Controlling for time since surgery and parental coping resources, parental pain-related catastrophizing was a significant predictor of child pain and functional recovery.
Discussion: Short-stay surgery results in parents facing considerable burden in managing their child's pain and functional impairment over a 10-day period. The potential value of screening for parental pain-related catastrophizing before discharge from hospital warrants further consideration and may enable identification of children likely to experience poorer recovery.
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