Spectroscopy of structurally disordered hydrated iron fluoridotitanate in the regions of vibrational and electronic excitations

Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc. 2022 Jan 5:264:120244. doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2021.120244. Epub 2021 Jul 31.


Raman and optical absorption spectra of disordered hydrated iron fluoridotitanate (HITF) single crystal were studied. Temperature transformations of the Raman spectra indicate independent ordering processes of the [TiF6]2- and [Fe(H2O)6]2+ complexes below the structural phase transition. The absorption spectrum in the near-infrared and visible ranges includes transitions from the high spin ground state 5T2 of Fe2+ ion to the excited 5E state and a set of excited triplets. Analysis by Tanabe-Sugano method gives crystal field Dq = 490 cm-1 and Racah parameters B = 340 cm-1 and C = 1904 cm-1. Considerable decrease of B parameter as compared to the free ion value indicates a decrease of interelectron repulsion in the disordered neighborhood of Fe2+ ions.

Keywords: Dynamics; Electronic excitations; Hydrated iron fluoridotitanate; Order-disorder; Phase transition; Raman.