Portosystemic collateralization is usually seen in patients with portal hypertension. Bleeding from the ectopic varices is reportedly rare. We present a case of a 55-year-old gentleman who presented with complaints of bleeding from the umbilicus. On examination, he was tachycardic, hypotensive, and in hypovolemic shock. Bleeding was suspected to be from the umbilical varices. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography of the abdomen with abdominal angiography revealed a cirrhotic liver with partial thrombosis of the portal vein with collaterals in the perigastric, lower esophageal, peripancreatic, splenic and mesenteric, umbilical and paraumbilical collaterals with recanalization of the umbilical vein. The bleeder was identified to be the collateral at the umbilical region from the superior mesenteric vein. The patient was treated with a Doppler-guided injection of a sclerosant into the collateral, thereby achieving successful hemostasis.
Keywords: omphalic bleed; sclerosant injection; surgical emergency scenarios; suture ligation; umbilical varices.
Copyright © 2021, Raj Kumar et al.