To infer a "live" protein network in single cells, we developed a novel Protein Localization and Modification-based Covariation Network (PLOM-CON) analysis method using a large set of quantitative data on the abundance (quantity), post-translational modification state (quality), and localization/morphological information of target proteins from microscope immunostained images. The generated network exhibited synchronized time-dependent behaviors of the target proteins to visualize how a live protein network develops or changes in cells under specific experimental conditions. As a proof of concept for PLOM-CON analysis, we applied this method to elucidate the role of actin scaffolds, in which actin fibers and signaling molecules accumulate and form membrane-associated protein condensates, in insulin signaling in rat hepatoma cells. We found that the actin scaffold in cells may function as a platform for glycogenesis and protein synthesis upon insulin stimulation.
Keywords: Bioinformatics; Molecular network; Systems biology.
© 2021 The Author(s).