An error was detected in the derivation of the expression of the cumulative hazard function in a recently published paper by Safari, W. C., López-de-Ullibarri, I., and Jácome, M. A. (2021), A product-limit estimator of the conditional survival function when cure status is partially known. Biometrical Journal, 63(5), 984-1005, This short article aims to correct this error. There are some changes in the model notation in Section 2, the derivation of the expression of the cumulative hazard function in the Appendix, and the proofs of Lemmas 3 and 4 in the Supporting Information. Moreover, there is a small change in the generation of the values of the censoring variable in the simulation study. As a consequence, the simulation results in Section 4 are affected. A corrected version of these sections is given in the Supporting Information.
Keywords: Nadaraya-Watson weights; censoring; correction; cure models; kernel estimator.
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