Modern multimodality cancer treatment has led to a rise in cancer survivors, and by 2030 the survival rate is estimated to increase by 31.4%. This is an impressive survival statistic on which clinicians and services continue to build. One of the less well-acknowledged consequences of survivorship among health professionals and patients alike is female sexual dysfunction, despite it occurring in more than 60% of women diagnosed with cancer. The systematic assessment and management of late effects from cancer lack integration within current models of oncology follow-up. Although highly prevalent, issues linked to sexual health are often not addressed among survivors. This overview aims to focus on the sexual impact of gynaecological cancer treatment. Clinicians should raise the topic of the sexual consequences of cancer treatment as a legitimate aspect of survivorship and service provision. Increased focus on the sexual consequences of treatment and cancer survivorship may in time lead to greater clinical recognition, service development and, most importantly, increase research focused on the effective management of what remains a neglected aspect of cancer care.
Keywords: Adverse events; cervical; endometrial; ovarian and vulva cancer; sexual dysfunction.
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