A Rare Case of Primary Anorectal Malignant Melanoma

Cureus. 2021 Jun 6;13(6):e15474. doi: 10.7759/cureus.15474. eCollection 2021 Jun.


Malignant melanoma affecting the anorectum is very rare. We present a 63-year-old female who presented with features of bleeding per rectum and painful defecation. On examination, the patient had a palpable mass on the right side of the anorectum, with predominant exophytic growth and intraluminal extension. Biopsy and imaging studies were diagnostic of malignant melanoma. The patient was discussed on the tumor board and planned for abdominoperineal resection. Postoperatively, the patient was started on chemotherapy. The patient was followed up for two years, and there was no evidence of any recurrence.

Keywords: abdominoperineal resection; anal canal; malignant; melanoma; rectum.

Publication types

  • Case Reports