Mesenchymal progenitor cells are broadly distributed across perivascular niches-an observation conserved between species. One common histologic zone with a high frequency of mesenchymal progenitor cells within mammalian tissues is the tunica adventitia, the outer layer of blood vessel walls populated by cells with a fibroblastic morphology. The diversity and functions of (re)generative cells present in this outermost perivascular niche are under intense investigation; we have reviewed herein our current knowledge of adventitial cell potential with a somewhat narrow focus on bone formation. Antigens of interest to functionally segregate adventicytes are discussed, including CD10, CD107a, aldehyde dehydrogenase isoforms, and CD140a, among others. Purified adventicytes (such as CD10+ , CD107alow , and CD140a+ cells) have stronger osteogenic potential and promote bone formation in vivo. Recent bone tissue engineering applications of adventitial cells are also presented. A better understanding of perivascular progenitor cell subsets may represent a beneficial advance for future efforts in tissue repair and bioengineering.
Keywords: ALDH; CD10; CD107a; CD140a; LAMP1; adipogenesis; adipose stem cell; exocytosis; mesenchymal stem cell; mesenchymal stromal cell; osteogenesis; perivascular stem cell; tunica adventitia.
© 2021 The Authors. STEM CELLS published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of AlphaMed Press.