The JET FILD is a scintillator-based Fast-ion Loss Detector optimized to measure fusion-born alpha-particle losses. This work covers its upgrade and absolute calibration in preparation for the following JET DT experiments. A fast scintillator material (TG-Green) has been installed in the JET FILD. A heater jacket is installed around the fiber bundle, responsible for transmitting the light from the scintillator plate, to anneal the fiber obscuring due to neutron damage. The JET FILD has been upgraded with a 1 Mpx camera and 2 MHz photomultiplier data acquisition hardware. Full-orbit simulations give an estimate of the shading effects on the scintillator plate of the first wall structures and provide a synthetic signal of the JET FILD. A detector instrument function enables absolute values of fast-ion losses using calibration factors. The calibration factors are made available in a shot-to-shot basis for the characterized species and energies and with corrections for the diagnostic conditions. The fast acquisition system sets the Nyquist frequency (1 MHz) above the typical mode frequencies (≈102 kHz), thus making it possible to identify MHD-induced fast-ion losses.